New Years’ Resolutions Are Over – Now What?
Boulder, CO (January 11th, 2011) –– Is that it? It’s a new year – but is it really a new you? You made New Years’ resolutions and now your life is everything you wanted it to be? If only it was that easy. If attaining happiness and fulfillment was easy – our world would be a different place. Somehow we have been programmed to believe that life is supposed to be easy.
This physical existence by its very nature revolves around pain, as we are challenged with illness, conflict, and eventually death. Through challenges and pain, we have the opportunity to learn and to grow. Obtaining happiness and fulfillment may not be easy, but it is attainable. We must be willing to make the effort, but not just any effort – the right effort.
We all know that it takes more than one time per year to make the resolutions that will bring us happiness. Two-time cancer survivor and award-winning author Seth David Chernoff explains how true happiness is attainable to each of us, in every moment. Chernoff is an expert on finding happiness, maintaining peace, overcoming trauma, and having the strength to overcome our fears and create the life we desire in this moment and in every moment.
In his new book, Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life, Chernoff writes, “Why do we take on those resolutions that we know will never see fruition? Why begin exercising in January when we know we will quit by February? We don’t accept or consciously know that we will change course, but inside it is as though we are unable to commit to our own greatness. We all make the choices of greatest importance at our own pace. Chernoff continues, “We set ourselves up for success by pacing ourselves and taking our lives on a moment-by-moment basis. We take control by making commitments that we are capable of achieving in this moment.”
As the excitement of resolutions wears off, we need to maintain the strength to change, adapt and overcome. This is not the time to give up on our resolutions or our dreams, but to help ourselves succeed by pushing forward into our future, toward our greatness. We need to make the changes that will make us happy right now. Chernoff writes, “Taking responsibility for only that which we can control is really all we are able to do. There are times when we all wish we could have a new beginning, a fresh start, a second chance.” That time is now, and is in every moment that we are conscious to the gift of the present moment. Life is too short to put off today for a hopeful promise of tomorrow.
About the Author:
Seth David Chernoff is a two-time cancer survivor, an award-winning author, a gifted public speaker, highly successful marketing professional and founder of multiple companies. His new book is Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life. His work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Popular Mechanics, Business Week, USA Today, and on national TV and Radio. For more information, please visit
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