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Reality Bites: Cancer Survivor Leads the Way to Life’s Purpose and Fulfillment

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Press Releases

In his award-winning new book, A Manual for Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life, he offers straightforward guidance for achieving lasting happiness, overcoming fear of death and finding true purpose.

Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life

(Press Release) – Jun 22, 2010 – Boulder, CO (June 22, 2010) –– By facing death as a two-time cancer survivor, Seth David Chernoff learned to experience the fullness of life. In his award-winning new book, A Manual for Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life (Spirit Scope Publishing, 296 pages, ISBN: 978-0984093-090), he offers straightforward guidance for achieving lasting happiness, overcoming fear of death and finding true purpose.

“A Manual for Living: A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life is a cancer survivor’s plea to his readersto live their life to the fullest through the power of family, love, peace, changing one’s life for the better and being prepared for death. This book should be fully embraced by those who have lost their way.” -Midwest Book Review

He has lived his message, and pulls no punches as he writes about the hard subjects of death, illness, fear, finding balance, our toxic environment, our perception of what is real, our finances, and our need to accumulate. He deals with change and major transition, living in the “now” and so much more by answering the questions:

• Why are we always in such a hurry? Can we really micromanage our life?
• Are our physical ailments caused by frustration, anxiety or stress?
• Why is it such a challenge to maintain inner peace?
• Why doesn’t hard work always equate with results or fulfillment?
• Why do we allow ourselves to suffer?
• Why aren’t we guaranteed happiness?
• How can we find true fulfillment and lasting happiness
• What exactly is a spiritual life?
• What is the meaning of life?

The author recommends reading a single chapter at a time as a guide to the current demands of our life. Because Manual for Living: Reality covers so many topics that vitally concern our lives, this approach makes sense, especially if we are facing the final journey, or have a loved one who is going through a reversal or transition.

Chernoff writes, “We each have a path and purpose in life, a destiny as unique as our own fingerprints, yet we often live lives of petty obscurity and quiet desperation, ignoring our truth. It is our prerogative to find our purpose and fulfill it. The end of one’s life is not as devastating as the loss what could have been, of the dreams left unfulfilled and passions undiscovered.”

About the Author:
Seth David Chernoff is an award-winning author, two time cancer survivor, marketing professional and founder of multiple companies featured in The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Popular Mechanics, Business Week, USA Today, and on ABC and PBS TV.

Learn more about the book at www.ManualForLiving.com. Spirit Scope Publishing – www.SpiritScope.com

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Seth David Chernoff is an award-winning author, two time cancer survivor, marketing professional and founder of multiple companies featured in The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Popular Mechanics, Business Week, USA Today, and on ABC and PBS TV.

Original: http://www.prlog.org/10752720-reality-bites-cancer-survivor-leads-the-way-to-lifes-purpose-and-fulfillment.html

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"Knowledge does not create wisdom; having all the right answers at the wrong time makes no one the wiser." - Chernoff - CONNECTION