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by Seth David Chernoff   //   Press Releases


Contact: Spirit Scope Publishing
Email: books@spiritscope.com
Tel: 303-350-3990

MANUAL FOR LIVING: CONNECTION, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life Debuts

New York, New York—September 26, 2011—Happiness becomes less of a concept and more of an action-oriented pursuit with the fall release of MANUAL FOR LIVING: CONNECTION, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life (Spirit Scope Publishing, $16.95). CONNECTION is the second in a series of three books designed to provide a road map for life’s trials on an as needed basis. This unique approach to the Self-Help genre empowers readers to answer their own questions so they can return to a path of happiness and ultimately fulfillment. The book is available at bookstores nationwide and online at www.amazon.com and www.BN.com.

Chernoff understands that obstacles are as unique as the individuals facing them; he tackles the themes of Strength, Joy, Gratitude and Purpose in a straight-forward manner leaving the real work of life transformation to the reader. The aim is to engage the audience to reconnect with their inner truth and set about a course that will result in changed thoughts, attitudes, behaviors and habits. Whether dealing with a personal economic hardship, relationship trouble, career change, health issues or finding that ever-elusive thing known as balance, Chernoff constructs a guide that enables clarity and action.

Seth Chernoff uses his own hard-won insight and life experiences to illuminate for his readers a pathway to full awareness of each moment as an act of love, compassion, joy and peace. He writes that transformation happens and paradigms shift in the now, when there is no dwelling on yesterday or fretting about tomorrow. He says, “The moment we get out of our heads and into our hearts, grace moves in. Living in the moment does not allow time for regret.”

Despite living in a high tech world that discourages “real” human engagement, Chernoff asserts that technology will never replace human connection, a state of mind that requires open-heartedness and a willingness to be honest. By using CONNECTION as an instruction manual for life, one can surpass superficiality, accept self-responsibility and pursue a life that will result in true connection, happiness and a purposeful life.

Seth David Chernoff, a successful marketing professional and entrepreneur, husband and father of two, lives his truth by being of service to others. He accomplishes this by providing personal coaching, leading seminars, workshops and now offering the Manual for Living book series. Chernoff has turned his hardship into strength; he found joy after pain and was able to show gratitude in the face of suffering. He maintains that getting cancer a second time allowed him to let go of preconceived notions to live his authentic purpose in life. He sees MANUAL FOR LIVING: CONNECTION, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life as his opportunity to share knowledge and wisdom therefore creating opportunity for others.

For more information, visit www.SethChernoff.com. To arrange an interview with Seth Chernoff, contact books@spiritscope.com or call 303-350-3990.


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"A beautiful book of ideas for making our lives more meaningful and exploring that which lies beneath the surface in our minds. It was a book I would pick up and read sometimes at odd moments, sometimes when I was troubled and needed to read about one of the topics. I often read the sections over again on different days. The book is filled with a lot of positive thoughts and inspiration...definitely worth reading." - Joanne aka PT Cruiser

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"It is our ability to efficiently and effectively adapt to obstacles as they are presented that determines the pain or suffering we experience throughout our lifetime." - Chernoff - REALITY