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Seth David Chernoff is an award-winning author, two-time cancer survivor, and recognized authority and speaker on:

  • Workplace and life balance issues
  • Passion, Personal and Professional Development
  • Courage, Confidence and Creativity
  • Performance Marketing for Profit
  • Monetizing Marketing Expenditure

Seth’s latest book is Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life. He is a gifted public speaker, highly successful marketing professional and founder of multiple companies. His work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Popular Mechanics, Business Week, USA Today, and on national TV and Radio.

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He resides in Colorado. His interactive website is www.SethChernoff.com. Seth can be reached here.

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"From a listener from an interview with Seth David Chernoff on the Dr. Bunny Show, KKZZ 1400 Radio: \"Dear Bunny: This was one of the best shows that you have had, it really put everything into perspective in life. Intellectually, spiritually and with great humanism, wow it touched my heart and you can quote me.”" - Dana Hansen

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, March 25

"Decide carefully, for in this moment you are the person you choose to be." - Chernoff - CONNECTION