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Programs & Topics

WOW! Seth is really a good speaker – he has a gift of connecting with the audience. I love how he shares so much of himself. It almost makes him seem like one of the audience. You know, when I read his first book, I kept asking myself (he)… could be the vessel for so much simple wisdom. The “veil is really lifting” – Seth is a glowing example of this. Bless him for sharing so much light. …he is a beautiful spirit – a good person. I hope his journey brings him back.” – L Shirk, Des Moines, IA

Seth David Chernoff does keynotes, intensive workshops and engaging seminars. As an award-winning author, and a successful entrepreneur and marketing professional, Seth has a LOT of topics you can select from, including but not limited to the following:

  • 5 Easy Steps to Create Calm During Economic Hardships
  • The Love Check List–Strategies to Revitalize the Intimacy in Your Relationships
  • The 30-Day Fulfillment Challenge—Seth Coaches You Through Adjusting Limiting Thoughts and Habits to
  • Find True Happiness and Purpose Regardless of Your Circumstance
  • Back to Basics—Methods for Moms to Reconnect with Pre-Parental Identity
  • New Job or New Attitude–Finding Passion  in Your Career
  • The Illusion of Balance—Tools and Tips for Rediscovering Your Priorities
  • The Holidays are Coming–Surviving the Family Get Together
  • The C Word—Moving from Cancer to CONNECTION to Discover—STRENGTH, JOY, GRATITUDE and PURPOSE
  • Finding Happiness, Purpose and Harmony for Boomers
  • You Have Enough Money – Now What!
  • Fulfillment in the Workplace – Beyond Compensation
  • Overcoming Obstacles with Gratitude
  • Understanding Death and Releasing Fear
  • Finding Meaning in Life
  • We’re all dying – Now What?
  • Finding Balance and Peace, When Immersed In Chaos
  • True Happiness – Regardless of Circumstance

Don’t hesitate to contact Seth if you have a last minute emergency. Sometimes speakers get sick, have an accident, personal emergency or simply miss a flight. If Seth is available, he will be glad to step in with a substitute program if a last minute cancelation appears.

You can count on Seth to make your event a success. Call 303-350-3990 to schedule Seth at your next event, or contact us here!

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"5 stars for sure. I find this book uncomfortably soul searching. It is a workbook in the truest sense. The answers are not graded but come from your innermost being. It is not a \"reading\" book but one that asks questions that you know the answer to but have not wanted to face up to perhaps. I am not working on this on a daily basis but move thru the exercises when I feel ready. It is progressive but meaningfully. Working thru the segments of Time, Illness, Fear, Environment, Reality, Physicality, Death, Finance, etc. takes time and deep thought. The daily mantras and evening meditations are very beneficial. I\'m very grateful to have this book become an integral part of my opening up to a deeper honesty." - Czarnopys Library Thing

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, March 25

"We have been given ALL the gifts and tools needed to obtain all that we require." - Chernoff - CONNECTION