Programs & Topics
“WOW! Seth is really a good speaker – he has a gift of connecting with the audience. I love how he shares so much of himself. It almost makes him seem like one of the audience. You know, when I read his first book, I kept asking myself (he)… could be the vessel for so much simple wisdom. The “veil is really lifting” – Seth is a glowing example of this. Bless him for sharing so much light. …he is a beautiful spirit – a good person. I hope his journey brings him back.” – L Shirk, Des Moines, IA
Seth David Chernoff does keynotes, intensive workshops and engaging seminars. As an award-winning author, and a successful entrepreneur and marketing professional, Seth has a LOT of topics you can select from, including but not limited to the following:
- 5 Easy Steps to Create Calm During Economic Hardships
- The Love Check List–Strategies to Revitalize the Intimacy in Your Relationships
- The 30-Day Fulfillment Challenge—Seth Coaches You Through Adjusting Limiting Thoughts and Habits to
- Find True Happiness and Purpose Regardless of Your Circumstance
- Back to Basics—Methods for Moms to Reconnect with Pre-Parental Identity
- New Job or New Attitude–Finding Passion in Your Career
- The Illusion of Balance—Tools and Tips for Rediscovering Your Priorities
- The Holidays are Coming–Surviving the Family Get Together
- The C Word—Moving from Cancer to CONNECTION to Discover—STRENGTH, JOY, GRATITUDE and PURPOSE
- Finding Happiness, Purpose and Harmony for Boomers
- You Have Enough Money – Now What!
- Fulfillment in the Workplace – Beyond Compensation
- Overcoming Obstacles with Gratitude
- Understanding Death and Releasing Fear
- Finding Meaning in Life
- We’re all dying – Now What?
- Finding Balance and Peace, When Immersed In Chaos
- True Happiness – Regardless of Circumstance
Don’t hesitate to contact Seth if you have a last minute emergency. Sometimes speakers get sick, have an accident, personal emergency or simply miss a flight. If Seth is available, he will be glad to step in with a substitute program if a last minute cancelation appears.
You can count on Seth to make your event a success. Call 303-350-3990 to schedule Seth at your next event, or contact us here!