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Applying Happiness To Your Life Right Now

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Happiness Videos, Spirituality

Learn how to apply happiness to your life in this moment and in every moment. Happiness and Fulfillment, Consciousness and Spiritual Growth aren’t elusive – they are achievable. This short video will walk you through a very open and engaging understanding of whats required to enhance you life now – so that you can live your greatness.

A video transcript is listed below. Until next time, many blessings,

PS. Don’t forget to stay in touch with me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ManualForLiving

Seth David Chernoff
Founder, True Happiness Immersion
Author, Manual For Living – REALITY
Author, Manual For Living – CONNECTION

Applying Happiness To Your Life Right Now – VIDEO TRANSCRIPT

Hi, this is Seth David Chernoff, award-winning author of the Manual for Living.

Today, I’d like to talk to you about applying the principles of happiness and fulfillment to your life in a way where you can take advantage of them right now. You see, we talk a lot about happiness and fulfillment from a bird’s eye view if you will. But sometimes the big picture can be hard to achieve, it can feel elusive. So, let’s talk about how to apply it to your life in a way where right now you can take advantage of the opportunities before you.

You see, we know that this moment is the only one that will exist, the only moment that will ever exist. We could talk about the past, but all we can do is really re-analyze the past. We could talk about the future, but again all we get to do is plan and prepare for a future that doesn’t even really exist. You see, the present moment is the only moment that exists. So, if you don’t like the way your life looks, if you want something different out of your life, this is the only time when you can change that. This is the only place where you can make a change in your life to change your future.

You see, many times we get complacent with the way we live and we’d like to live in a way where we’re verse to risk. So, we recreate yesterday. We live in a pattern that’s very safe, and this mediocrity, this pettiness prevents us from moving forward. So you see if we really want greatness in our life, if we really want to create something amazing, we have to be willing to make changes, we have to be willing to let go of where we are in order to get to where we want to be.

So, if we accept for the moment that this is really the time when we can make changes, this is the time when we create our future. Then how do we apply the principles of happiness and fulfillment in a way that allows us to step into our greatness. So that we’re not governed by the outside world, we’re not governed by what we can’t control. We’re governed by what’s happening from within us so that we have full control over the way our life looks and over the way we’re creating it into the future.

So, we know that happiness and fulfillment isn’t one big thing, it’s not one relationship that changes everything. In fact it’s all the little things that make all the difference. It’s how we find gratitude in every moment. It’s how we choose kindness as we relate to our spouse, or our co-workers, and our children. It’s how we find peace amidst chaos. In the middle of all of our craziness in our day, it’s how we step outside and reconvene with nature. It’s how we choose to be of service in our life, not because we want to obtain things, but because we like how it feels.

We like what happens from within us when we serve in our life. It really is how we apply who we choose to be in every part of our life, in this moment and in every moment. So you see, if you really want to be happy in your life, it’s not about your list of desires, it’s not even about the law of attraction, it’s not even about the future or the past. It’s fully about who you choose to be right now in this very moment. How you choose to connect with the people around you. How you choose to open up your heart. How youdecide to forgive not just yourself but those around you. How you choose to follow your truth, listen to your intuition, and to choose harmony over disagreement.

You see, it’s how you decide in every moment who you’re going to be. And based on that decision, it’s what actions you’re going to take, what you’re going to think. Who you’re being is going to be a reflection in every part of your life. And so you see, if you really want happiness and fulfillment, it starts right now, right here. It’s not tomorrow, it’s not next week, it’s not next year. None of us know how much time we have left to live. Yet we all face obstacles: physical, mental, emotional, and financial. We will all face pain, illness and eventually physical death. So, right now really is our opportunity to choose something different for our self. If your life isn’t everything you want it to be, make a different choice.

We all know that insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting a different outcome. So choose something different. Change something right now that can make your future exactly the way you want it to be. Your future present – a way that expresses your full greatness in every part of yourself.

I hope you’re having a fantastic life. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it, and until next time…many blessings!

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"I bought this book as I left a job without a plan, trusting that if you jump off the cliff you’ll land on your feet because the universe loves you. Manual For Living was released just as I was making my decision to jump and felt like a sign so I bought it. I was glad I did. This book accomplishes what it sets out to do. I highly recommend this one." - Brendan Roberts

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"We cannot carry another’s burden just as we cannot live another’s life." - Chernoff - REALITY