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Be Yourself, Holistic Living

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Spirituality

Be Yourself Holistic Living

Why do we have such a hard time being ourselves and following our own path? Why do we have such a difficult time following our truth and listening to our own guidance? We have been taught to listen to everyone but ourselves, always looking for guidance outside of ourselves. Just because we have been taught to act a certain way does not mean that we need to allow our outside circumstances to define us.

In my book, the Manual for Living – Book ONE: Reality, I have an entire section dedicated to Holistic Living that speaks about our happiness as not being predicated upon our desires.

Our happiness is a result of our commitment to follow our path, to listen to our truth. As opportunities for growth are presented to us, we have the ability to walk forward into life with our eyes open, with our head squarely on our shoulders in order to understand and assimilate the inner significance of our outer challenges.

We can only be defined by the choices we make regardless of our external circumstances.

We cannot define ourselves by what or who people perceive us to be, for our external representation rarely defines us. We are clearly restricted by who we can choose to be physically (although there are many avenues of physical alteration available to us), but we are never restricted by who we choose to be internally, within ourselves.

Our personality and power of emotions, mind, and spirituality are limitless, or more accurately, are limited only by the extend to which we allow ourselves to be and live our truth. We must be honest with ourselves, allowing a certain degree of vulnerability and freedom to walk our path and live our truth. Nobody on this earth has been gifted with the blessing you intherently maintain, and nobody can replace the contributions you are here to give.

Be of service and live your truth.

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"A great little read in how in just shifting your perspective, you can make major changes. No matter what comes down the road, you always have control on how to view it and in how you let it affect you. If you don\'t get anything out of this, then maybe, you should check to see if you have departed from this life as I think there is something here for everyone," - Dennis Waller

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"Why do we force ourselves to suffer before we allow ourselves to
evolve?" - Chernoff - CONNECTION