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How NOT to Fail – Best New Years Resolution Tips

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Spirituality

California Sunset Retrospection …

is often the word of choice this time of year, as we prepare for a new beginning and analyze and assess our progress to date. We review and judge the things that went right, and those that went horribly awry. We benchmark our success and catalog our failures, and sometimes those of our family, our children, etc. We berate ourselves for abandoned new years resolutions, and anticipate those we will attempt again.

We compare ourselves to those around us and wonder why we haven’t achieved or obtained more. We look ourselves in the mirror and notice differences, variances…perhaps we are aging, gaining weight, adding a few wrinkles, losing hair in certain places and growing it in others. In between the craziness of the holidays, we analyze and contemplate, conceptualize and prepare for what we believe is the potential for a new beginning.

stop-signBut first – STOP!

Pause, breathe, freeze frame, halt, break…take a respite. In order to figure out where we are going, we must first get clarity on exactly where we are. For this, I invite you to complete the Life Inventory Worksheet (New Year’s edition) to take a current snapshot of your life – no charge. Consider it my gift to you, or more accurately YOUR gift to you. You can watch the short explanation video and download it here. (You may want to do that first, and then proceed).

Looking for specific New Years Resolution Tips? You can find my favorite planning guides here:

Crested Geckos in LoveHowever, there are three things I believe would be of tremendous value to you this season:

  1. Don’t use the outcome of your past as the delimiter for your future. Everything you see around you is the result of who you have been being and the actions you have taken (in the past). Who you are being NOW in this moment, is the basis for your FUTURE. Try not to obsess about what ISN’T working in this moment – but instead focus your energy on WHO you want to be, the ACTIONS you want to take, and the future you desire.
  2. Trust and have faith that everything will work out – it always does in time, but rarely if ever accordingly to plan or on our schedule. Be patient…and keep breathing.
  3. Laugh and have fun. No matter what happens from this point forward, whether your dreams come true or you stumble and fall – try to enjoy the journey. Best-case scenario – you will have a fantastic time AND manifest what you desire…and worst case, you had an amazing time along the way…and you get back up, dust yourself off and try again.

We have nothing to lose by taking risks and living the fullness of who we know ourselves to be. Our only risk is living a life of petty obscurity, in hiding, afraid to be ourselves. Challenge yourself to BE more, to STEP FORWARD in strength and passion – and I will see you there.

Wishing you a most magnificent transition to the New Year – may your life be the full expression of who you truly are.

Many beautiful blessings,

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"A direction in life is all some people need...a two-time cancer survivor’s plea to his readers to live their life to the fullest using the advice within. Stating the power of family, love, peace, changing one’s life for the better and being prepared for death, he has much to help readers fully embrace life. “Manual for Living” is a read that should be fully embraced by those who have lost their way." - Midwest Book Review

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"What we truly desire cannot be obtained outside of ourselves." - Chernoff - CONNECTION