Iran, China, and the Spiritual Evolution We Have Been Waiting For
The world is a changin’ ladies and gentleman; put on your seat belts for its going to be a wild-ride. Our world is going through its own transformation, an evolution unlike anything we have ever seen before during our lifetime. In some ways it began with the preliminary initial collapse of our mortgage system, banking industry, and automobile industry then rippled through a global recession. Now we are witnessing the most powerful form of human freedom –the outward representation of desire for independence and truth in our world. Through adversity comes opportunity, and we, as citizens of this global community, have the opportunity to play a more active role in the redefinition of society and our role within it.
As much as this appears to be a financial evolution here in the US or physical conflict in Iran, it is so much more an emotional and spiritual evolution. John Lennon didn’t invent the phrase, the “power to the people” but he surely helped popularize it in the 60’s. Now it appears that the people of Iran are taking those lyrics in stride as they organize to the best of their ability amidst incredible oppression, even visible attempts by the government to suppress the populace and their ability to congregate and communicate. Who would have thought that the greatest threat to communism would be Twitter and Facebook? Is it time to get out my Pocahontas Headband, my leather vest and some flower power? Is social change going to revolutionize the world as we know it? No longer does the most ruthless dictator wield the greatest power, and never before have these communist regimes been more threatened. The true power in this world is moving from money to connection, from military might to community. The most powerful armies cannot stop the evolution of community and the banding together of society to defeat evil in this world.
Of course there will be tragedy and casualty, and we can open our hearts to those harmed by their commitment to truth, but in the end we must stand together to face down tyranny and oppression. It may not happen today, but eventually the power of the many will overthrow the vocal minority to choose truth over subservience, peace over war, and independence over oppression. The quasi theocracy of Iran is merely a dictatorship masked by religion, and it appears that the people of Iran have finally had enough. The Chinese will not be far behind as they learn to stand up for what is right and just, for truth and for liberty. Hopefully I will live long enough to see the day when human beings around the world can live a free life, a spiritual life.

Iranian Freedom Concert
In Iran and elsewhere in the world, people are sacrificing their lives in attempt to find freedom, and yet we have ALL the physical freedom this world has to offer, and yet we choose to live within our own internal prison of restriction and pettiness.
Physical freedom is an honor, a right and privilege in most countries of thi world, but the emotional and spiritual freedom required for a fulfilled life must be earned through a courageous commitment to a life of truth and of service in this moment, in every moment. Many would sacrifice their lives for the truth that we refuse to acknowledge in our own. In Iran, we witness the bloodshed of those who fight for freedom amidst oppression.
Perhaps our own suffering is not always visible from the outside, but we bleed and suffer terribly as a result of our inability to follow our path and to live our truth for fear of ridicule or failure. We hide behind our complacency and mediocrity, behind our creature comforts and the a life without passion and evolution.We can truly set ourselves free by consciously choosing to stand up for what we believe in, for our truth, for our path and purpose in life.
It’s your turn now, it is time to stop living in the shadows! Allow the stories of those before you who sacrificed their freedom so that you could have yours, to inspire you to live your path, your passion and your truth, for your life is worth nothing less.
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