Learning From Illness, Listening To Illness
Why do people die from infection and disease if the body was naturally designed to prevent it? Why do we suffer discomfort and pain, even to the point that the pain itself is sometimes more potent and powerful than our interest to live? Why must we sacrifice so much of ourselves to fight the very battles put forth before us? Do we deserve the struggle?
The body has been naturally designed with an inherent immunity to fight off most common occurrences of illness. The body intrinsically generates organisms to fight infection and disease because it is logically designed to protect itself and fight off that which intends to harm it. For example, in fighting a disease, the body will sometimes force a fever as it combats viruses within the body; it generates white blood cells or increases production of certain antibodies to naturally fight off any posed threats. However, as viruses evolve over time, it seems that our body and immune systems do not evolve and adapt at the same pace. Over time, we develop resistance to the very drugsandantibiotics that fight off the very diseases we resist. How can the body be affected in such a manner as to have its defenses overwhelmed, rendering it vulnerable to disease?
As medicine has continued to evolve over the ages, so has our ability to defend against or render ourselves immune to medicine itself. We create a cure for one disease, and almost instantaneously a new virus emerges within our world that is beyond the realm of available medicine. We cure polio and are suddenly faced with AIDS and cancers we have never seen. Just as we feel that we have evolved beyond the ailments that plague us, we tend to bypass the lessons themselves; and as a result, we are presented with new ailments that either push us back into line or help us open our eyes yet again.
Through our children we learn that it is often sickness itself that can actually strengthen their immune system over time.
In illness as in life, through adversity we become stronger. As we overcome challenges, we evolve. However, at the same time wealsobecome dependent upon medicine to keep us alive and to protect us as we fight further attacks on our system. From the microbes in the air to the bacteria and viruses carried by those around us, we are eternally on the defensive to protect ourselves. It is one thing to receive guidance to stay on our life-path, but when we continue to suffer as we serve the interests of our soul, our higher selves, and our community, we must question whether our assumptions in regard to appropriate and required service are accurate or whether our previous work is coming to an end. Transitions can be difficult and often stretch the limits of time itself, yet understanding them in the moment can be even more complex.
Just as every illness has a lesson, every lesson carries with it the potential of illness.
What is the lesson? The universe often creates distraction and impact exactly where necessary in order to affect change in a specific manner. We cannot become overly dependent upon anything outside ourselves for that which needs tobefostered from within. By disregarding the simple hints, the subtleties of truth, and even direct confrontation, often we become sick as our soul attempts to force us to slow down, pay attention, or do what is necessary in our own evolution and destiny.
It is our ability to adapt efficiently and effectively to obstacles as they are presented that determines the extent to which we evolve or the degree to which we suffer.
Excerpt from the Award-winning Book: Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life, by Seth David Chernoff (Spirit Scope Publishing (www.SpiritScope.com), 296 Pages, ISBN-13: 978-0984093-090). Order Your Copy Today www.ManualForLiving.com.
About the Author:
Seth David Chernoff is an award-winning author, two time cancer survivor, marketing professional and founder of multiple companies featured in The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Popular Mechanics, Business Week, USA Today, on radio stations across the country, and on ABC and PBS TV.
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Wow, I so agree with your article here. Just today I was pondering the illness issue. I took my 92 year old dad to one of his doctor’s appointments….the waiting, the other ill patients (oncologist)…I feel bad for my father. It’s not a place one wants to spend so many hours of your life especially at old age. I was wondering as I sat there….how can I prevent getting ill as I grow in age? I know all the recommendations, exercise, healthy nutrition, stay positive, rest, etc. but sometimes, it’s unavoidable. Your take on illness as a way of the Universe prompting us to move in a growth direction is something I need to think about.