Nature Danger, Are You Playing It Safe, & Esther Hicks
Do you remember when we were encouraged to drink water out of the garden hose? When sunscreen was mistaken for lotion? When nobody wore helmets when they rode their bicycle? When physical intimacy wasn’t prefaced by a conversation about STD’s? Do you remember when it was safe to share your thoughts freely and openly in an email or on the Internet? When did it become unsafe to express yourself?
Recently I found myself taking a beautiful jog on a “Nature Trail” in San Antonio, Texas, when I noticed multiple postings of a NATURE DANGER sign. “The nature trail may expose you to the inherent dangers and risks associated with the natural environment.” It goes on to say: “Wild Animals and Insects are UNPREDICTABLE and DANGEROUS?”
When did NATURE become so dangerous? I understand unpredictable, but dangerous? Ok, perhaps tarantulas and rattlesnakes, but butterflies, lady bugs, deer and hummingbirds, to name just a few? I’d be more worried about getting hit by a golf ball, then by an attack armadillo.
There are warnings for EVERYTHING now – from the temperature of our coffee, to the mirrors on our car. So, that begs the question…Why do we live in fear? What are we afraid of? Why are we scared to take risks in our life?
What is the price we pay when we refuse to take risks?
The price we pay is the sacrificing of our truth, our purpose, and our greatness. Why do we do that? Why do we sacrifice our truth and our greatness for the pettiness of the moment? Is it more important to be mediocre and safe, as opposed to being courageous and fulfilled?
We have all been hurt and betrayed. We have all been taken advantage of at various times in our life. Every single one of us has said something stupid, done something stupid, and felt like an idiot as a result. Guess what – that’s part of life. That’s part of what makes life so spectacular and amazing! When we head in the direction of our dreams, we are bound to make mistakes along the way – but they really aren’t mistakes if they get us closer to our goals, dreams and desires.
So, with that – I invite you to face your fears, embrace your anxieties and ACT ANYWAY! Courage isn’t life without fear – it’s acting in the face of fear.
Be courageous, be daring – and follow your truth!
Spirituality and Connection
I also had the pleasure this weekend of meeting Esther Hicks of Abraham Hicks fame. Wow, what a true gem of a soul she is. The radiance, love and generosity of this woman is beyond words. Here is someone who has given so much of her life to being of service and following her truth – it’s a true joy to connect with people who are out in the world following their path, and making a powerful impact in the world!
Until next time, many blessings!
PS – If you are in the San Francisco area, I’ll be speaking at the New Living Expo at 7pm on Friday night the 28th! Stop by and say hello.
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Most of the warnings signs and labels stem from a fear of lawsuits or, in the case of the animal warnings, probably from the local governments wish to avoid paying for the mistakes people make (hospital care, emergency transport, rescue teams, etc.).
The excessive warnings have an adverse effect. We don’t know when to take them seriously or to believe them because little is said about the likelihood of each scary thing happening. Medicines, for example, have so many warnings that it is very hard to decide how risky they are.
btw, I wanted to read this article but the title was too frightening.