NOW AVAILABLE – Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life
My award-winning book, Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life is finally available for ordering! It is currently being shipped to bookstores across the country and is officially available at and through the Apple IBookstore. Click Here to get your copy today!
“Manual For Living is more than that: it is a window to a fresh, new, hopeful vision for what it means to be human. Read it slowly, and feel the world shift inside you. A unique blend of practical and spiritual wisdom from a fresh new voice that needs to be heard.” Mark Gerzon, Bestselling Author
“Seth Chernoff has written a wonderful, thoughtful and compassionate book. It goes to the heart of what it is to be human. He speaks from deep personal experience. We highly recommend Manual For Living – Reality … Drink from its wisdom!” Ed & Deb Shapiro, authors BE THE CHANGE – How Meditation Can Transform You and the World
“A beautiful book of ideas for making our lives more meaningful and exploring that which lies beneath the surface in our minds. It was a book I would pick up and read sometimes at odd moments, sometimes when I was troubled and needed to read about one of the topics. I often read the sections over again on different days. The book is filled with a lot of positive thoughts and inspiration. It’s a different kind of book that’s a little hard to classify, but one definitely worth reading.” Joanne aka PT Cruiser
“This one gets four stars. I genuinely found the material educational and inspiring. The author’s suggestion to simply open the book at will and read proved to be quite inspired. Everyone should be able to find at least one section of the book that calls to him or her. This is definitely recommended for the spiritually inclined.” Beth’s Book Review Blog
“A direction in life is all some people need. “Manual for Living: A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life” is a two-time cancer survivor’s plea to his readers to live their life to the fullest using the advice within. Stating the power of family, love, peace, changing one’s life for the better and being prepared for death, he has much to help readers fully embrace life. “Manual for Living” is a read that should be fully embraced by those who have lost their way.” Midwest Book Review
“Manual For Living gives you valuable insight necessary to enhance and enrich your life bringing you closer to fulfillment and true happiness. Manual for Living is full of wisdom to help you find your way. Every page is filled with human emotion about life, death, and everything in between. The writing is sharp and observant.” TCM Reviews
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