Thank You For Another Fantastic Year
We are coming to the end of another fantastic year, and I thought I would start a little early in expressing all of my tremendous gratitude for all of you who have been a part of this amazing journey. As most of you are aware, we launched the second book in the Manual For Living series this year – CONNECTION to fantastic reviews and some terrific success. And as the case with any author, without you the readers, it’s a hedonistic venture at best.
However, the opportunity to be of service is what makes everything worthwhile.
There were some other big wins this year – we won the New Mexico Book Awards (1st in New Age), and were a finalist in Spirituality in the US Book Awards! We also achieved a milestone of 42,000 sales and downloads of the Manual For Living book series (we’ll hit 45,000 by the end of the year). We have had some stellar reviews of the work, and have seen sales grow all over the world including France, Germany, Australia, Denmark, Italy, and many more.
Most of you are aware that I don’t put any specific acknowledgements in my books, only because there isn’t enough space for all of the people who have impacted my life in spectacular and dramatic ways. However, I would like to take a moment here to express my gratitude to a few extraordinary people who have gone above and beyond to make this year extra special for me. Mary Agnes Antonopoulous, who is not only a huge fan of the Manual For Living work and a good friend, but has helped to share the work in a beautiful and spectacular way (THANK YOU!). Kim Gerulatt, also a fan, a friend, and the VERY FIRST reader I believe who ever contacted me – has personally helped me complete the upcoming Workbook and Meditations for REALITY, which is going to a powerful workbook to help anyone achieve happiness and fulfillment in only 15 minutes day (Thank you Kim!). Her work is done and its now on my plate to get it ready for the publication process – I’m looking forward to a little downtime over the holidays to get this completed! I will also take a moment to thank my biggest fan – not only my family but particularly my beautiful wife who has been a pillar of support throughout the many long hours over the last 12 years required to get this work out to the world!
There are SO many others who have helped me in more ways than words can express, including those who helped spread the word about the Manual during our Amazon campaign! There are also a few people (who I won’t name) that we hired this year to help with the Manual For Living but were fired as they failed miserably in their commitment to serve – crashing and burning spectacularly, with tremendous fanfare. I specifically thank these people because EVERY relationship helps us along our path.
Let me say that again – EVERY experience and EVERY relationship helps us move forward on our path!
I know there are still a few good weeks left in the year and I wish you the very best on your journey as always!!!
Much love,
Seth David Chernoff
Remember, if you are looking for the perfect holiday or New Year GIFT! Nothing says I LOVE YOU like a copy of the Manual For Living: REALITY, or Manual For Living: CONNECTION. Give it to your spouse, your co-workers, your boss, and of course your ex-spouse! There is nothing like it, and if you order soon, I will personally autograph your copy before the holidays.
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