Time Enough, Effective Time Management & Prioritization – L2
Our most precious resource – our time. How do we manage and prioritize our time such that we take care of what matters most? How do we effectively manage our task and todo list such that live a life of service, one that is happy and fulfilled? It goes to the root of who we are, of our core beliefs. Life doesn’t just happen to us, it is actually a direct result of who we choose to be and the actions we take. There really is time enough for everything, when we get clear on what matters most. Enjoy the video and read the full transcript below if you like!
I am also very excited to announce that coming in September, we are finally releasing the powerful Manual For Living guidebook. 324 pages of exercises, meditations, content, and more to help you find true happiness and to get everything you desire in life. Applying the Manual For Living: REALITY, Exercise & Meditation Guidebook is coming soon!
I welcome your thoughts, feedback, insights, and questions. If you’d like to purchase the award-winning Manual For Living: REALITY, you can do so at Amazon.com. Until next time, many blessings!
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Seth David Chernoff
Author, Manual For Living – REALITY
Author, Manual For Living – CONNECTION
TimeEnough,Effective Time Management & Prioritization – L2 – VIDEO TRANSCRIPT
Hi, this is Seth David Chernoff, award-winning author of the Manual for Living.
Today, I’d like to talk to you about time – our most precious commodity. The delineator between a life well lived and the alternative. You see, in any given moment we have a choice about how we are going to live our life. For those of you that have faced traumatic illness, who have lost or faced the loss of a love one, you realize how precious time is. Sure we’ve all been told since the beginning of our life, life is short…life is precious. But you actually face and reconcile with death in your own life, you don’t really comprehend how precious it really is. So for me, going through illness the way I did, I’ve never had the perspective of the way I make decisions around the moment that I do now.
You see, in any moment we have a million choices that we make. The things that we are going to do, the things that we are not going to do, who are we going to spend time with, what we are going to work on. We all have a huge task list, and many things on our task list don’t really make us happy. They are not about service, they are not about contribution. They are things that we feel we have to do or are obligated to do. But you see, if you realize that life is short…if youaccept the premise that we only have a limited amount of time in this life to find happiness, to be of service, to get fulfillment in any way possible, then you realize in any given moment the choices we make directly impact our overall well-being and happiness.
There’s a phrase called ‘Opportunity Cost’ in Economics, and it simply means that in any given choice that you make there’s an opportunity cost or an opportunity lost. So, in any given choice that you make you’re actually choosing not to do something else. And in choosing something over something else, you sacrifice. You let go of one thing over another thing. And so in our life, whatever choice we make we’re sacrificing an alternative choice. And so in any moment, you have the opportunity to choose. That the choice that you’re making really is related to you happiness, it really is related to your fulfillment in life.
Sometimes we’re in such a hurry, we felt like we have so much to do and so little time to do it in. Have you ever said to somebody, ‘Gosh, I’d love to do that but I just don’t have time.’ Well, we know that’s not true. If you’re here in this given moment, of course you have time. When I do yoga at the end of class the instructor will often say to us, ‘If you have the luxury of time, you’re welcome to stay in Shavasana a little bit longer’. And I alwayschuckle because I think to myself, well, we all have the luxury of time, we just spend our time in the wrong things. We all have the opportunity to choose anything we want in any given moment. And yet we’re often in such a rush and in such a hurry that we disregard the real opportunity that happens in any given moment.
If you are not happy, tomorrow is not going to make you any happier. Now is the only time that you can choose something different for yourself. We all have the luxury of time. And that really is what we do with it. What opportunity we put before ourselves in order to find happiness, fulfillment, and to be of service? So, I invite you to be conscious of every moment in your day, to be conscious of the choices that you’re making. Because remember, there’s an opportunity that you’re choosing in any given moment, there’s an opportunity cost with every decision that you make. So, choose the thing that makes a difference, choose the thing that makes you happy, that makes you fulfilled, that contributes to those around you. That’s the opportunity to find happiness in this moment. Remember, it’s not one big thing that makes happiness. It’s the choices we make in any given moment. And in this moment I invite you to choose something better for yourself.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this video…until next time…many blessings!
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