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Posts Tagged with 9/11

11 Days Until: Manual For Living: CONNECTION – The Greatest Lessons of Life

11 Days Until: Manual For Living: CONNECTION – The Greatest Lessons of Life

“We expose our vulnerability and ‘nakedness’ as we share who we really are with each other, and through that sharing, we grow and evolve individually and collectively.” – Manual For Living: CONNECTION, Pg 186
Manual For Living: CONNECTION  …  Quote for 9/11

Manual For Living: CONNECTION … Quote for 9/11

Today is a great day for a meaningful excerpt, as we ask to remember 9/11, ten years later: Pg 18. "The memory of a wound lives on forever. It is possible to heal and ignore but impossible to forget, for the soul maintains perfect memory of all things." Pre-order your copy at http://bit.ly/o2iUvE
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"I bought this book as I left a job without a plan, trusting that if you jump off the cliff you’ll land on your feet because the universe loves you. Manual For Living was released just as I was making my decision to jump and felt like a sign so I bought it. I was glad I did. This book accomplishes what it sets out to do. I highly recommend this one." - Brendan Roberts

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"We are poor not due to our lack of possessions, but due to our lack of appreciation and fulfillment in any particular moment." - Chernoff - REALITY