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Posts Tagged with Appreciation

Integrating Gratitude to your Quest for True Happiness

Integrating Gratitude to your Quest for True Happiness

Sometimes we have to extend our gratitude not only for the amazing and spectacular in our life, but also for all of the challenges and obstacles that we have overcome throughout our life. We are truly the sum total of… read more
Thank You For Another Fantastic Year

Thank You For Another Fantastic Year

We are coming to the end of another fantastic year, and I thought I would start a little early in expressing all of my tremendous gratitude for all of you who have been a part of this amazing journey. As… read more
A Note About Gratitude

A Note About Gratitude

It doesn’t matter how scared you are, you can move through it. It doesn’t matter what anybody thinks, it doesn’t matter what anybody does. What matters is that you were living your most significant, powerful truth. What matter is that you are following your path. Even more than that, in doing so, you get to relinquish responsibility for those things that happen outside of you that have a tendency to impact your life or that can even have a tendency to control you. Powerfully making the that decision, to relinquish responsibility means that when you’re facing obstacles you can choose to access happiness no matter what comes at you from the outside world.
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"A great little read in how in just shifting your perspective, you can make major changes. No matter what comes down the road, you always have control on how to view it and in how you let it affect you. If you don\'t get anything out of this, then maybe, you should check to see if you have departed from this life as I think there is something here for everyone," - Dennis Waller

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, December 22

"We have been given ALL the gifts and tools needed to obtain all that we require." - Chernoff - CONNECTION