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Posts Tagged with Balance

Spiritual vs Religious? 16 ways to know for sure…

Spiritual vs Religious? 16 ways to know for sure…

There was another post on CNN this morning attempting to understand those identifying themselves as “spiritual” rather than purely “religious”. I always find it fascinating when people criticize what they don’t understand. There will always be naysayers, particularly when some… read more
How to change your life in a BIG WAY?

How to change your life in a BIG WAY?

No matter where you start, you really have to take responsibility 100% and look at the things you really can impact. And I’m telling you right now, it all begins with you. It’s always who we choose to be – 100% - in any given moment. That really is all that we can control. Every action we take is a reflection of who we choose to be. And if we want to change any part of our life, it always begins within ourselves.
Radio Interview on KEEL and Article in the Shreveport Times

Radio Interview on KEEL and Article in the Shreveport Times

I recently had a fantastic interview with David McMillan on the Strategies for Living radio show, which was subsequently featured in an article written in the Shreveport Times this week. I thought you might enjoy it so I included them… read more
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"A great little read in how in just shifting your perspective, you can make major changes. No matter what comes down the road, you always have control on how to view it and in how you let it affect you. If you don\'t get anything out of this, then maybe, you should check to see if you have departed from this life as I think there is something here for everyone," - Dennis Waller

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"We can all benefit from the humbleness of a life of service and an openness to learn." - Chernoff - REALITY