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Posts Tagged with Cancer causing foods

Cancer Prevention – Reducing Your Risk of Cancer

Cancer Prevention – Reducing Your Risk of Cancer

Following our popular post on our TOXIC WORLD and GLOBAL WARMING, until we get our pollution problem under control (which will probably only come from a reduction in capitalism and consumerism), perhaps we can start with what we CAN control,… read more
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"The messages from you on time and the present moment were so powerful and uplifting that the core encryption remained with me all day. I wrote down the affirmation, I consciously choose greatness in every moment and was able to complete work with a new-found Joy and a deep feeling of Expansion. It is the Purity of Intention in your Writing that I am resonating with and I Recognize the Gift you are Offering to Humanity at this crucial Time in our Evolution. Thank You, dear Seth!" - Lilly W.

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"Life is not a reflection of output or even input; it is merely a reflection of its quality that we experience and share in every waking moment." - Chernoff - REALITY