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Posts Tagged with Cancer of the Soul

Cancer of the Soul, Awareness, Healing, Meaning, Emotional Spiritual – L12

Cancer of the Soul, Awareness, Healing, Meaning, Emotional Spiritual – L12

What is Cancer of the Soul? Beyond Physical Cancer Awareness and Healing, its Emotional and Spiritual Cancer that can only be cured from within, by the choices we make in any given moment. Our ability to choose life… read more
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"A direction in life is all some people need...a two-time cancer survivor’s plea to his readers to live their life to the fullest using the advice within. Stating the power of family, love, peace, changing one’s life for the better and being prepared for death, he has much to help readers fully embrace life. “Manual for Living” is a read that should be fully embraced by those who have lost their way." - Midwest Book Review

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, December 22

"All of the answers we seek are held deep within our soul, simply waiting for us to reach for them." - Chernoff - CONNECTION