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Posts Tagged with Capitalism

Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Teachers, Jesus Christ, Profiteering and Capitalism

Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Teachers, Jesus Christ, Profiteering and Capitalism

Why is it a conflict of interest when someone among us, a religious leader or self-proclaimed “spiritual teacher”, becomes “enlightened” and then charges exorbitant sums of money for their services, often at the expense of the very people they seek… read more
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"This came all in perfect timing – my Uncle Ernie passed away yesterday morning from cancer. My Uncle Ernie had 2 months to live once he found out. My mom is a 5 year cancer survivor. You’ve lived it, you’ve survived it...I want the entire world to find this. Many, many blessings. I can’t wait to read more." - Mimi - http://www.de-stresswithyoga.com/

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, January 22

"Our world is in harmony when we can operate from a state of gratitude for that which we have and for that to which we aspire." - Chernoff - CONNECTION