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Posts Tagged with Connection

Your 2013 New Years Resolutions Planning Guide

Your 2013 New Years Resolutions Planning Guide

Yes, Thanksgiving is over, and it’s almost that time of year again when we begin anew and have yet another opportunity to create new beginnings and to re-write our life story. Oh, it’s not for a few weeks, but this… read more
Creating the Space for Greatness, for what you desire – L8

Creating the Space for Greatness, for what you desire – L8

When you have identified the disparity between where you are and where you want to be, you have the ability to affect change you in your life. The first step is to increase your awareness, and beyond that… read more
Integrating Gratitude to your Quest for True Happiness

Integrating Gratitude to your Quest for True Happiness

Sometimes we have to extend our gratitude not only for the amazing and spectacular in our life, but also for all of the challenges and obstacles that we have overcome throughout our life. We are truly the sum total of… read more
Total Happiness Immersion is coming soon…

Total Happiness Immersion is coming soon…

I hope you had a Happy Valentines Day yesterday…I am very sorry for the delay in posting an update but we have been working on something VERY exciting for you. The Total Happiness Immersion Program Based on the True Happiness… read more
How to change your life in a BIG WAY?

How to change your life in a BIG WAY?

No matter where you start, you really have to take responsibility 100% and look at the things you really can impact. And I’m telling you right now, it all begins with you. It’s always who we choose to be – 100% - in any given moment. That really is all that we can control. Every action we take is a reflection of who we choose to be. And if we want to change any part of our life, it always begins within ourselves.
Help CONNECTION hit #1 on Amazon TODAY plus Jack Canfield Bonus!

Help CONNECTION hit #1 on Amazon TODAY plus Jack Canfield Bonus!

Go to http://ConnectionManual.com/ to get your copy and download your bonus gifts – including a special gift from Jack Canfield! Pick up a copy (or two) OF MANUAL FOR LIVING: CONNECTION — A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life… read more
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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"At times, it is those without who go within that exude the great strength of personality and will, and it is those who seek and obtain who struggle most with balance and understanding." - Chernoff - REALITY