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Posts Tagged with Connection

How we react to everything that happens around us determines the quality of our life.

How we react to everything that happens around us determines the quality of our life.

Here’s the bottom line about having a good life. You have to do the work. You must be willing to do the work. Nobody’s going to give you a magic pill to swallow to dissolve all your worries. You see, we all know that. But yet, if someone is waiting for that lottery ticket that’s gonna solve everything, and erase the distraction of fear and worry, etc., well, it’s just not going to show up. There’s no way around it: We have to make choices, we have to make decisions that will begin to evolve our life, and move things forward.
My life was wonderful, and gratefully, I knew it…. and then came cancer.

My life was wonderful, and gratefully, I knew it…. and then came cancer.

When I got sick the first time, I was a very healthy individual. I exercised, I meditated, I ate organic foods, in fact, I was partly vegetarian. I was a good person, so it wasn’t like I had a lot of fear or anger inside of myself, and I truly felt like every part of my life was going great. I had a great business that I’d started. I had fallen in love with a beautiful, amazing woman. Everything felt like it was just perfect. My life was wonderful, and gratefully, I knew it. So when I found myself on a Friday afternoon in the year 2000, sitting in front of the surgeon who was telling me that I had the second most aggressive cancer that he knew of, and that he needed to operate within two hours, I was speechless.
True happiness grows when we’re in control of who we choose to be in any given moment.

True happiness grows when we’re in control of who we choose to be in any given moment.

True happiness grows when we’re in control of who we choose to be in any given moment. Then, as a result to those choices, happiness blooms based the actions that we take. So if we can find, through our actions and who we’re choosing to be, that our sense of inner peace and happiness is strongly present, then everything outside can’t take that away from us.
True Happiness Regardless of Circumstance

True Happiness Regardless of Circumstance

There is a foundation to making this thread of decisions work in our lives – it is knowing the difference between the things that we can control and the things that we can’t. Even in the moment I was diagnosed with cancer, I could 100% control who I was choosing to be. I could decide how to react to the doctor’s words, “I don’t know if you’re going to live.”
What is an intentional life?

What is an intentional life?

What is an intentional life? What does it mean to live a conscious life? Does it mean that we choose whatever path we “want” – full speed ahead, regardless of the consequences? You hate your job? But you can’t quit - it provides benefits for your family. Don’t like where you live? But my children have friends here. You aren’t happy in your relationship? But we can’t fix it and it’s too much work to change it. It’s a fine line between living a conscious, connected life that each of us defines and loves, and sometimes making the difficult choices that put our needs first.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Spirit Scope Publishing Email: books@spiritscope.com Tel: 303-350-3990 TWO-TIME CANCER SURVIVOR LIGHTS THE PATH TO HAPPINESS IN NEW BOOK MANUAL FOR LIVING: CONNECTION, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life Debuts New York, New York—September 26,… read more
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"WOW! Seth is really a good speaker – he has a gift of connecting with the audience. I love how he shares so much of himself. It almost makes him seem like one of the audience. You know, when I read his first book, I kept asking myself (he)... could be the vessel for so much simple wisdom. The “veil is really lifting” – Seth is a glowing example of this. Bless him for sharing so much light. ...he is a beautiful spirit – a good person. I hope his journey brings him back." - L Shirk, Des Moines, IA

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Tip of the Day — Monday, March 31

"We can find joy and beauty in the sharing of magnificence, for living out of the potential for greatness is much more fulfilling than living out of the fear of failure." - Chernoff - REALITY