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Posts Tagged with Courage

Nature Danger, Are You Playing It Safe, & Esther Hicks

Nature Danger, Are You Playing It Safe, & Esther Hicks

Do you remember when we were encouraged to drink water out of the garden hose? When sunscreen was mistaken for lotion? When nobody wore helmets when they rode their bicycle? When physical intimacy wasn’t prefaced by a conversation about STD’s?… read more
A Note About Gratitude

A Note About Gratitude

It doesn’t matter how scared you are, you can move through it. It doesn’t matter what anybody thinks, it doesn’t matter what anybody does. What matters is that you were living your most significant, powerful truth. What matter is that you are following your path. Even more than that, in doing so, you get to relinquish responsibility for those things that happen outside of you that have a tendency to impact your life or that can even have a tendency to control you. Powerfully making the that decision, to relinquish responsibility means that when you’re facing obstacles you can choose to access happiness no matter what comes at you from the outside world.
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"This came all in perfect timing – my Uncle Ernie passed away yesterday morning from cancer. My Uncle Ernie had 2 months to live once he found out. My mom is a 5 year cancer survivor. You’ve lived it, you’ve survived it...I want the entire world to find this. Many, many blessings. I can’t wait to read more." - Mimi - http://www.de-stresswithyoga.com/

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"The healthier we get, the harder it is to keep sick people in our life." - Chernoff - CONNECTION