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Posts Tagged with destiny

How we react to everything that happens around us determines the quality of our life.

How we react to everything that happens around us determines the quality of our life.

Here’s the bottom line about having a good life. You have to do the work. You must be willing to do the work. Nobody’s going to give you a magic pill to swallow to dissolve all your worries. You see, we all know that. But yet, if someone is waiting for that lottery ticket that’s gonna solve everything, and erase the distraction of fear and worry, etc., well, it’s just not going to show up. There’s no way around it: We have to make choices, we have to make decisions that will begin to evolve our life, and move things forward.
There is No Hierarchy in the Structure of Humankind

There is No Hierarchy in the Structure of Humankind

It’s easy to personalize the insecurities, fears, and otherwise outward projections of others, perceiving them to be our own. To feel like we’re on a teetering tower. We try to stay open to the world around us, yet we open ourselves to everyone else’s dysfunction. We attempt to walk as vessels in the mind and image of God, available and of service to those around us. But unfortunately, we often tend to absorb petty strife and confusion, anger and frustration, and instead of focusing on our own path, we end up taking responsibility for everybody else’s.
The Meaning of Life in One Minute

The Meaning of Life in One Minute

One Minute Overview of the Meaning of LifeManual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life, Seth David Chernoff. Balance and connection, intimacy and relationship, peace and love, evolution and fulfillment. What we desire… read more
Serendipity, Karma, Destiny and Intention

Serendipity, Karma, Destiny and Intention

Life has a way of presenting us with the very experiences and reflections we require to move forward. I had a fascinating experience this last week that I want to share with you. I purchased a new iMAC and decided… read more
NOW AVAILABLE – Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life

NOW AVAILABLE – Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life

My award-winning book, Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life is finally available for ordering! It is currently being shipped to bookstores across the country and is officially available at Amazon.com and through the Apple… read more
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"The Manual for Living by Seth David Chernoff is a book special to me. I want to make its words a part of my life. It is spiritually remaking my life along with my Holy Bible. If you have the chance to pick up this gold mine to read, please do. It is saving me from wasting more time in my life. It is saving me from the fear of death. It is helping me in so many ways." - Read With Tea Book Review Blog

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"Every one of us is the hope of an undetermined future." - Chernoff - CONNECTION