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Posts Tagged with forgive others

Spring Cleaning Your Life – 10 Surefire Ways to Let Go of the Past

Spring Cleaning Your Life – 10 Surefire Ways to Let Go of the Past

Yes, it’s that time of year when we are teased with warmth yet reminded of the remnants of winter. Being in Colorado, I enjoy living in a region where we fully experience the four seasons – although I do find… read more
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"This one gets four stars. I genuinely found the material educational and inspiring. The author’s suggestion to simply open the book at will and read proved to be quite inspired. Everyone should be able to find at least one section of the book that calls to him or her. This is definitely recommended for the spiritually inclined." - Beth’s Book Review Blog

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"We forget that life is so quickly over and that living in the moment does not allow time for regret." - Chernoff - CONNECTION