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Posts Tagged with Healthy living

Physical Health, Emotional Wellbeing, Your Body as a Vessel For Greatness – L31

Physical Health, Emotional Wellbeing, Your Body as a Vessel For Greatness – L31

Our physical body is only a representation of who we’re being in this life…it’s a vessel or a vehicle, to help us get from where we are to where want to be. If you have dreams, desires, things that you… read more
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"It is an inspirational and thought provoking book. It is exceptionally written, easy to follow and practical for anyone searching for their way in life. The Manual For Living Series is a must have for every(one) who wants to grow in their faith, character, and relationship to God." - TCM Reviews

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, March 9

"It is our ability to efficiently and effectively adapt to obstacles as they are presented that determines the pain or suffering we experience throughout our lifetime." - Chernoff - REALITY