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Posts Tagged with Identity

How Far Would You Travel To Find Meaning In Your Life?

How Far Would You Travel To Find Meaning In Your Life?

I’m going to tell you about an amazing woman who traveled over 1,000 miles to see me…but it wasn’t really about me…it was because of something far greater. She was following her inner guidance, but I’ll get to that in… read more
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"It is an inspirational and thought provoking book. It is exceptionally written, easy to follow and practical for anyone searching for their way in life. The Manual For Living Series is a must have for every(one) who wants to grow in their faith, character, and relationship to God." - TCM Reviews

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"We are poor not due to our lack of possessions, but due to our lack of appreciation and fulfillment in any particular moment." - Chernoff - REALITY