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Posts Tagged with Immanuel Kant

What is Enlightenment? Sapere Aude!

What is Enlightenment? Sapere Aude!

Enlightenment cannot come from freedom alone, for it cannot be obtained or achieved, acquired or even sought after. Merely by seeking it you move further from it. It cannot be gifted or shared, earned or found, for it is simply a state of being. Dare to know the truth, your truth.
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"If everyone on this planet could have only one book, the Manual for Living would be my recommendation. Author, Seth David Chernoff carefully, concisely and accurately takes his reader on a step- by- step approach to the “art” of living. ...filled with dynamic insight and practical recommendations on how to change our lives for the better. Highly recommended!" - Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, January 21

"Happiness, fulfillment, and connection are the true prosperity of the soul." - Chernoff - REALITY