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Posts Tagged with Inspiration

WDAY AM 970 Radio Interview with Christopher Gabriel

WDAY AM 970 Radio Interview with Christopher Gabriel

WDAY AM 970 Radio – Christopher Gabriel interview with Seth David Chernoff on Friday, October 22, 2010. (Length: 16 minutes) Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version… read more
Don’t Give Up, Overcoming Obstacles and a True Motivational Story

Don’t Give Up, Overcoming Obstacles and a True Motivational Story

  Why do some of us persevere, and others who simply give up? There are those of us who will give anything to achieve our dreams, and others who would give anything to stay on the couch. Following our dreams… read more
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"Ever popular as tools for inquiry, questions are key in the bite-sized chapters of CONNECTION. Author, speaker, and businessman Seth David Chernoff has discovered, through life\'s traumas, how to reliably connect with inner guidance. With life-altering understandings around forgiveness, gratitude, intimacy, and letting go (among eighteen sections), this spirituality primer is a valuable contribution to the genre. Connection, the second book in the Manual For Living Series, may be the longed-for owner\'s guide. Writes the author, Connection is not a task that can be completed; it is a way of being, a philosophy of living." - ForeWord Reviews

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, February 23

"Spirituality freedom is making the choices in life that bring us true happiness and fulfillment." - Chernoff - REALITY