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Posts Tagged with Intention

What is Spiritualism? What is Spirituality?

What is Spiritualism? What is Spirituality?

spir… read more
Serendipity, Karma, Destiny and Intention

Serendipity, Karma, Destiny and Intention

Life has a way of presenting us with the very experiences and reflections we require to move forward. I had a fascinating experience this last week that I want to share with you. I purchased a new iMAC and decided… read more
GPS Your Life, You Have The Freedom to Choose Happiness

GPS Your Life, You Have The Freedom to Choose Happiness

Every morning when we get up, we have the opportunity to repeat the pitfalls of yesterday, or to start anew. The current state of our life is not a coincidence; it is the refined result of a lifetime of choices.… read more
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"When I finally did finish Manual for Living I was sorry I had waited so long." - Rayna Nielson

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"We forget that life is so quickly over and that living in the moment does not allow time for regret." - Chernoff - CONNECTION