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Posts Tagged with just say no

Just Say NO To Life – Mediocrity is Your Friend?

Just Say NO To Life – Mediocrity is Your Friend?

Isn’t it interesting how we constantly try to make ourselves comfortable in life – choosing mediocrity and complacency over taking risks and facing challenges? Of course, we don’t consciously choose mediocrity most of the time – mediocrity is simply the read more
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"After receiving this book I dove right in and began...in the beginning it all felt a little dorky, writing down goals and listening a video of someone I knew nothing about. And I would find myself too caught up in other things to do a daily exercise, a mantra and a meditation. After missing a day or two, I would simply start right where I had left off. In about three weeks I noticed how I actually found myself curious and looking forward to what was next. And by then I had also noticed I liked the way I was \"processing\" or thinking and feeling about things through my day as a direct result. I went back and did another Inventory as well as rewrote or expanded my goals. Watching a daily video online, writing in this programmed guidebook and also adding in the daily meditations...all just flow through me so easily now. I am happy to say, it is working for me ……. and I\'m very glad I stumbled across the text and now this Guidebook." - Murshid Library Thing

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"Happiness, fulfillment, and connection are the true prosperity of the soul." - Chernoff - REALITY