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Posts Tagged with kind of person

What Kind of Person Are You – Complacent or Empowered?

What Kind of Person Are You – Complacent or Empowered?

In life, it is natural for us to be faced with emotional hardship, physical pain, mental anguish, or even spiritual apathy. Yet in the face of these challenges and the associated fear, there are those of us who cower –… read more
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"From a listener from an interview with Seth David Chernoff on the Dr. Bunny Show, KKZZ 1400 Radio: \"Dear Bunny: This was one of the best shows that you have had, it really put everything into perspective in life. Intellectually, spiritually and with great humanism, wow it touched my heart and you can quote me.”" - Dana Hansen

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"We are poor not due to our lack of possessions, but due to our lack of appreciation and fulfillment in any particular moment." - Chernoff - REALITY