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Posts Tagged with kindness

Are You Feeling Stuck? 5 Powerful Possibilities

Are You Feeling Stuck? 5 Powerful Possibilities

Life can be a bit of a roller-coaster, especially when we are out in the world striving for more, and particularly when we are willing to let go of the status quo because we desire more, because we aren’t willing read more
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"Thank you for sending me your book and all I can say is WOW as well! I can hardly put it down... Simplistic, thought provoking, profound and inspired are just a few of the words that come to mind. I KNOW this will be one of my manuals for living that I will wear out! Thank you and abundant blessings to you!" - Melissa M.

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"We can find joy and beauty in the sharing of magnificence, for living out of the potential for greatness is much more fulfilling than living out of the fear of failure." - Chernoff - REALITY