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Posts Tagged with manifesto

How To Be Happy – Philosophy

How To Be Happy – Philosophy

They say life happens in between what we plan… …and my life has been planned to the brim as I continually relearn how to be happy, yet the universe sees fit to continually push me beyond my wildest dreams –… read more
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"We are also living a faster-paced life than ever before, where our privacy has been eroded beyond all conception by mobile phones and social-networking, and the requirements for us to succeed within this complex society have never been greater. Manual for Living: Reality offers us the opportunity to step away from that complexity and bustle, and understand what really matters. A timeless wisdom that is more relevant these days than ever before." - Andy Lloyd Book Review

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, February 23

"We can find joy and beauty in the sharing of magnificence, for living out of the potential for greatness is much more fulfilling than living out of the fear of failure." - Chernoff - REALITY