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Posts Tagged with Parenting

10 Ways to be a Better Father / Fatherhood for New Fathers

10 Ways to be a Better Father / Fatherhood for New Fathers

Yes, this is a very fortuitous time to write this. My older son who recently turned 16, received his driver’s license and within 5 days, through extenuating circumstances, drove our car into a curb causing about $1,000 in damage. If… read more
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"When I finally did finish Manual for Living I was sorry I had waited so long." - Rayna Nielson

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, December 22

"As sure as the sun will rise, people will die, children will be born, and human existence will continue. We say to ourselves “now is the time” and “don’t wait,” but it appears that all we do is put off for tomorrow what we can do today." - Chernoff - CONNECTION