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Posts Tagged with passion

Your 2013 New Years Resolutions Planning Guide

Your 2013 New Years Resolutions Planning Guide

Yes, Thanksgiving is over, and it’s almost that time of year again when we begin anew and have yet another opportunity to create new beginnings and to re-write our life story. Oh, it’s not for a few weeks, but this… read more
Pursuit of Perfection, Performance Excellence, Living Your Dreams

Pursuit of Perfection, Performance Excellence, Living Your Dreams

The ultimate display of beauty, the pursuit of perfection, perseverance, and dedication is here – the winter Olympics. Regardless of whether you believe they represent a tremendous waste of money, are won by the wealthiest countries who can afford to… read more
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"The Manual for Living by Seth David Chernoff is a book special to me. I want to make its words a part of my life. It is spiritually remaking my life along with my Holy Bible. If you have the chance to pick up this gold mine to read, please do. It is saving me from wasting more time in my life. It is saving me from the fear of death. It is helping me in so many ways." - Read With Tea Book Review Blog

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"We need to be wealthy in our giving to others and caring for ourselves. We need to be rich in our personal evolution and growth." - Chernoff - REALITY