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Posts Tagged with Path to Enlightenment

Are you are Enlightened? What is Spiritual Enlightenment?

Are you are Enlightened? What is Spiritual Enlightenment?

Whom among us is truly enlightened, and how do we know? How Enlightened are YOU? How do you REALLY know if you are enlightened? Take the Enlightenment Quiz! If you fail miserably, don’t worry, there is hope for you yet…have… read more
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"A great little read in how in just shifting your perspective, you can make major changes. No matter what comes down the road, you always have control on how to view it and in how you let it affect you. If you don\'t get anything out of this, then maybe, you should check to see if you have departed from this life as I think there is something here for everyone," - Dennis Waller

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"Money has the potential to destroy lives, incite war, and distract us from what is most important in life." - Chernoff - REALITY