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Posts Tagged with Philosophy

What is Enlightenment? Sapere Aude!

What is Enlightenment? Sapere Aude!

Enlightenment cannot come from freedom alone, for it cannot be obtained or achieved, acquired or even sought after. Merely by seeking it you move further from it. It cannot be gifted or shared, earned or found, for it is simply a state of being. Dare to know the truth, your truth.
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"Here is your reality bible. You need to get it...I think your book hits a home run." - Rob Kingsbury on Total Health Radio, 1510AM

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"Life is so much more than the reality we see before us. It is the existence of our extended self that guides us and gives us the opportunities to grow, providing the space for our greatness." - Chernoff - CONNECTION