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Fifty Shades of Book Publishing – Why Bother Being an Author?

Fifty Shades of Book Publishing – Why Bother Being an Author?

How does our perception prevent us from taking conscious action in our lives? Have you ever wanted to do something amazing, inspiring or innovative in the world? Sometimes we find an area in life where we want to show up,… read more
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"If everyone on this planet could have only one book, the Manual for Living would be my recommendation. Author, Seth David Chernoff carefully, concisely and accurately takes his reader on a step- by- step approach to the “art” of living. ...filled with dynamic insight and practical recommendations on how to change our lives for the better. Highly recommended!" - Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review

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Tip of the Day — Friday, March 28

"We can find joy and beauty in the sharing of magnificence, for living out of the potential for greatness is much more fulfilling than living out of the fear of failure." - Chernoff - REALITY