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(shhh…) #1 on Amazon?

(shhh…) #1 on Amazon?

THANK YOU for your support. Because of you, currently our Manual For Living: REALITY promo has an Amazon Best Sellers Rank of #12 in the Kindle store (which is incredible), and we are #1 in categories like Inspirational, Spiritual, Cancer,… read more
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"I have always considered myself a spiritual person. Reading this book just confirmed that belief. I learned so much from this book that I feel overwhelmed. This would be the perfect gift for someone who is going through a rough time right now. It is absolutely amazing." - Readaholic

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"Our world is in harmony when we can operate from a state of gratitude for that which we have and for that to which we aspire." - Chernoff - CONNECTION