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Posts Tagged with Service

How to change your life in a BIG WAY?

How to change your life in a BIG WAY?

No matter where you start, you really have to take responsibility 100% and look at the things you really can impact. And I’m telling you right now, it all begins with you. It’s always who we choose to be – 100% - in any given moment. That really is all that we can control. Every action we take is a reflection of who we choose to be. And if we want to change any part of our life, it always begins within ourselves.
Gratitude, Service and the Fourmile Fire, Boulder Colorado

Gratitude, Service and the Fourmile Fire, Boulder Colorado

This post is in honor of all who sacrifice and serve for the good of the many. At this time, our community of Boulder, Colorado is in day five of the Fourmile Fire, the worst fire in Boulder County history, read more
Death Rituals, Funeral Services, and Coping with Loss

Death Rituals, Funeral Services, and Coping with Loss

Last week I attended the funeral of the wife of a dear friend of mine…who had passed away after a very strenuous bout of cancer – something I am only too familiar with. It was such an amazing and beautiful… read more
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"Seth Chernoff has written a wonderful, thoughtful and compassionate book. It goes to the heart of what it is to be human. He speaks from deep personal experience. We highly recommend Manual For Living: REALITY … Drink from its wisdom!" - Ed & Deb Shapiro, authors BE THE CHANGE – How Meditation Can Transform You and the World

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"In life, we must stand up for our greatness and attract those with whom we can connect on the deepest level while fostering our mutual evolution and fulfillment." - Chernoff - CONNECTION