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Posts Tagged with Seth David Chernoff

Cancer of the Soul, Awareness, Healing, Meaning, Emotional Spiritual – L12

Cancer of the Soul, Awareness, Healing, Meaning, Emotional Spiritual – L12

What is Cancer of the Soul? Beyond Physical Cancer Awareness and Healing, its Emotional and Spiritual Cancer that can only be cured from within, by the choices we make in any given moment. Our ability to choose life… read more
Releasing the Past, Moving Forward, Letting Go – L4

Releasing the Past, Moving Forward, Letting Go – L4

How to fully RELEASE the past, move forward, and let go of anything that stands in the way of where you want to be in your life. Spiritual release toward true happiness and fulfillment. My newest and what I believe… read more
Physical Health, Emotional Wellbeing, Your Body as a Vessel For Greatness – L31

Physical Health, Emotional Wellbeing, Your Body as a Vessel For Greatness – L31

Our physical body is only a representation of who we’re being in this life…it’s a vessel or a vehicle, to help us get from where we are to where want to be. If you have dreams, desires, things that you… read more
A Note About Gratitude

A Note About Gratitude

It doesn’t matter how scared you are, you can move through it. It doesn’t matter what anybody thinks, it doesn’t matter what anybody does. What matters is that you were living your most significant, powerful truth. What matter is that you are following your path. Even more than that, in doing so, you get to relinquish responsibility for those things that happen outside of you that have a tendency to impact your life or that can even have a tendency to control you. Powerfully making the that decision, to relinquish responsibility means that when you’re facing obstacles you can choose to access happiness no matter what comes at you from the outside world.
Help CONNECTION hit #1 on Amazon TODAY plus Jack Canfield Bonus!

Help CONNECTION hit #1 on Amazon TODAY plus Jack Canfield Bonus!

Go to http://ConnectionManual.com/ to get your copy and download your bonus gifts – including a special gift from Jack Canfield! Pick up a copy (or two) OF MANUAL FOR LIVING: CONNECTION — A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life… read more
My life was wonderful, and gratefully, I knew it…. and then came cancer.

My life was wonderful, and gratefully, I knew it…. and then came cancer.

When I got sick the first time, I was a very healthy individual. I exercised, I meditated, I ate organic foods, in fact, I was partly vegetarian. I was a good person, so it wasn’t like I had a lot of fear or anger inside of myself, and I truly felt like every part of my life was going great. I had a great business that I’d started. I had fallen in love with a beautiful, amazing woman. Everything felt like it was just perfect. My life was wonderful, and gratefully, I knew it. So when I found myself on a Friday afternoon in the year 2000, sitting in front of the surgeon who was telling me that I had the second most aggressive cancer that he knew of, and that he needed to operate within two hours, I was speechless.
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"Manual For Living is more than that: it is a window to a fresh, new, hopeful vision for what it means to be human. Read it slowly, and feel the world shift inside you. A unique blend of practical and spiritual wisdom from a fresh new voice that needs to be heard." - Mark Gerzon, Bestselling Author

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"Spirituality freedom is making the choices in life that bring us true happiness and fulfillment." - Chernoff - REALITY