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Posts Tagged with Spirituality

Fifty Shades of Book Publishing – Why Bother Being an Author?

Fifty Shades of Book Publishing – Why Bother Being an Author?

How does our perception prevent us from taking conscious action in our lives? Have you ever wanted to do something amazing, inspiring or innovative in the world? Sometimes we find an area in life where we want to show up,… read more
Your 2013 New Years Resolutions Planning Guide

Your 2013 New Years Resolutions Planning Guide

Yes, Thanksgiving is over, and it’s almost that time of year again when we begin anew and have yet another opportunity to create new beginnings and to re-write our life story. Oh, it’s not for a few weeks, but this… read more
Spiritual vs Religious? 16 ways to know for sure…

Spiritual vs Religious? 16 ways to know for sure…

There was another post on CNN this morning attempting to understand those identifying themselves as “spiritual” rather than purely “religious”. I always find it fascinating when people criticize what they don’t understand. There will always be naysayers, particularly when some… read more
Releasing the Past, Moving Forward, Letting Go – L4

Releasing the Past, Moving Forward, Letting Go – L4

How to fully RELEASE the past, move forward, and let go of anything that stands in the way of where you want to be in your life. Spiritual release toward true happiness and fulfillment. My newest and what I believe… read more
Applying Happiness To Your Life Right Now

Applying Happiness To Your Life Right Now

Learn how to apply happiness to your life in this moment and in every moment. Happiness and Fulfillment, Consciousness and Spiritual Growth aren’t elusive – they are achievable. This short video will walk you through a very open… read more
Total Happiness Immersion is coming soon…

Total Happiness Immersion is coming soon…

I hope you had a Happy Valentines Day yesterday…I am very sorry for the delay in posting an update but we have been working on something VERY exciting for you. The Total Happiness Immersion Program Based on the True Happiness… read more
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Tip of the Day — Friday, March 28

"We are superior to nobody, inferior to no one." - Chernoff - CONNECTION