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Posts Tagged with Spirituality

Radio Interview on KEEL and Article in the Shreveport Times

Radio Interview on KEEL and Article in the Shreveport Times

I recently had a fantastic interview with David McMillan on the Strategies for Living radio show, which was subsequently featured in an article written in the Shreveport Times this week. I thought you might enjoy it so I included them… read more
NOW AVAILABLE – Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life

NOW AVAILABLE – Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life

My award-winning book, Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life is finally available for ordering! It is currently being shipped to bookstores across the country and is officially available at Amazon.com and through the Apple… read more
Be Yourself, Holistic Living

Be Yourself, Holistic Living

Why do we have such a hard time being ourselves and following our own path? Why do we have such a difficult time following our truth and listening to our own guidance? We have been taught to listen to everyone… read more
What is Enlightenment? Sapere Aude!

What is Enlightenment? Sapere Aude!

Enlightenment cannot come from freedom alone, for it cannot be obtained or achieved, acquired or even sought after. Merely by seeking it you move further from it. It cannot be gifted or shared, earned or found, for it is simply a state of being. Dare to know the truth, your truth.
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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"Our ability to grow and expand, to be present for transformation, is one of the most amazing gifts of this life. We may feel frustrated when working externally toward the goals we seek does not seem to bring them any closer." - Chernoff - CONNECTION