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Posts Tagged with ten years later

Manual For Living: CONNECTION  …  Quote for 9/11

Manual For Living: CONNECTION … Quote for 9/11

Today is a great day for a meaningful excerpt, as we ask to remember 9/11, ten years later: Pg 18. "The memory of a wound lives on forever. It is possible to heal and ignore but impossible to forget, for the soul maintains perfect memory of all things." Pre-order your copy at http://bit.ly/o2iUvE
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"I found the book to work for me as it put everything in my life into a greater perspective. I found a quiet time and place to read the book on a regular basis. Manual For Living is a guide to finding balance and reconnecting with your spirit. I have to admit that I was happier after reading Manual For Living. It showed me that there were simple moments of happiness that I had missed along the way. These were not necessarily milestones, but the common and everyday moments that are truly the most special, and which make up the best memories over time. I’d recommend this book to everyone." - Luxury Reading (Poppy)

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"We are all born equal; we all maintain the potential for greatness, but not the requirement." - Chernoff - REALITY