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Posts Tagged with The Voice of Utah

Interview on KTalk Radio AM 630, Salt Lake City, Utah with Linda Strasburg

Interview on KTalk Radio AM 630, Salt Lake City, Utah with Linda Strasburg

Fantastic Interview on KTalk Radio AM 630, The Voice of Utah with Linda Strasburg and Seth David Chernoff about the Manual For Living on Saturday, April 24th, 2011. (Length: 25 Minutes) Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above)… read more
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"Oh this book has got it all, especially for the person in the beginning stages of awakening and enlightenment. You\'ll want to take NOTES through this one. It\'s an entire class by itself." - Michael Ray

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, December 22

"Our world is in harmony when we can operate from a state of gratitude for that which we have and for that to which we aspire." - Chernoff - CONNECTION