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Posts Tagged with True Happiness

Releasing the Past, Moving Forward, Letting Go – L4

Releasing the Past, Moving Forward, Letting Go – L4

How to fully RELEASE the past, move forward, and let go of anything that stands in the way of where you want to be in your life. Spiritual release toward true happiness and fulfillment. My newest and what I believe… read more
Integrating Gratitude to your Quest for True Happiness

Integrating Gratitude to your Quest for True Happiness

Sometimes we have to extend our gratitude not only for the amazing and spectacular in our life, but also for all of the challenges and obstacles that we have overcome throughout our life. We are truly the sum total of… read more
Help CONNECTION hit #1 on Amazon TODAY plus Jack Canfield Bonus!

Help CONNECTION hit #1 on Amazon TODAY plus Jack Canfield Bonus!

Go to http://ConnectionManual.com/ to get your copy and download your bonus gifts – including a special gift from Jack Canfield! Pick up a copy (or two) OF MANUAL FOR LIVING: CONNECTION — A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life… read more
How we react to everything that happens around us determines the quality of our life.

How we react to everything that happens around us determines the quality of our life.

Here’s the bottom line about having a good life. You have to do the work. You must be willing to do the work. Nobody’s going to give you a magic pill to swallow to dissolve all your worries. You see, we all know that. But yet, if someone is waiting for that lottery ticket that’s gonna solve everything, and erase the distraction of fear and worry, etc., well, it’s just not going to show up. There’s no way around it: We have to make choices, we have to make decisions that will begin to evolve our life, and move things forward.
True Happiness Regardless of Circumstance

True Happiness Regardless of Circumstance

There is a foundation to making this thread of decisions work in our lives – it is knowing the difference between the things that we can control and the things that we can’t. Even in the moment I was diagnosed with cancer, I could 100% control who I was choosing to be. I could decide how to react to the doctor’s words, “I don’t know if you’re going to live.”
Success vs. Wealth

Success vs. Wealth

There are some truly rich rewards that come from having gone through an illness like cancer, and I’m certain that they won’t be surprising to anyone reading this blog. Why? Because within our core, we all know what the truly… read more
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"From a listener from an interview with Seth David Chernoff on the Dr. Bunny Show, KKZZ 1400 Radio: \"Dear Bunny: This was one of the best shows that you have had, it really put everything into perspective in life. Intellectually, spiritually and with great humanism, wow it touched my heart and you can quote me.”" - Dana Hansen

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"It is that which exists within us that allows us to operate outside of ourselves." - Chernoff - CONNECTION