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Are Superheroes and Comic-con the Respite from Reality we Require?

Are Superheroes and Comic-con the Respite from Reality we Require?

What is our fascination with superheroes and Comic-con? In 2013, over 130,000 people attended, and in 2014, it will likely be far more as endless troves of fans descend upon the San Diego convention center. Are we obsessed with any… read more
Fifty Shades of Book Publishing – Why Bother Being an Author?

Fifty Shades of Book Publishing – Why Bother Being an Author?

How does our perception prevent us from taking conscious action in our lives? Have you ever wanted to do something amazing, inspiring or innovative in the world? Sometimes we find an area in life where we want to show up,… read more
Oh Yes You Can – Making Better Choices and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Oh Yes You Can – Making Better Choices and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

I CAN’T DO IT! I DON’T HAVE TIME! I CAN’T, I HAVE TO WORK! I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY! We hear it all the time, and have said it ourselves many times: I don’t have X! I can’t do Y,… read more
Spiritual vs Religious? 16 ways to know for sure…

Spiritual vs Religious? 16 ways to know for sure…

There was another post on CNN this morning attempting to understand those identifying themselves as “spiritual” rather than purely “religious”. I always find it fascinating when people criticize what they don’t understand. There will always be naysayers, particularly when some… read more
(shhh…) #1 on Amazon?

(shhh…) #1 on Amazon?

THANK YOU for your support. Because of you, currently our Manual For Living: REALITY promo has an Amazon Best Sellers Rank of #12 in the Kindle store (which is incredible), and we are #1 in categories like Inspirational, Spiritual, Cancer,… read more
Eliminating the Drama & Chaos to Find Authentic Happiness

Eliminating the Drama & Chaos to Find Authentic Happiness

We need to be conscious of the external environment we create for ourselves as we move toward happiness and fulfillment in our life. Often times the environment that suited us in the past is not the one that will suit… read more
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"A great little read in how in just shifting your perspective, you can make major changes. No matter what comes down the road, you always have control on how to view it and in how you let it affect you. If you don\'t get anything out of this, then maybe, you should check to see if you have departed from this life as I think there is something here for everyone," - Dennis Waller

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, January 21

"Seldom is hatred as strong as when it is the result of two people who previously loved each other." - Chernoff - CONNECTION