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Five Days Until CONNECTION – Altering our belief structure …

Five Days Until CONNECTION – Altering our belief structure …

We can evolve to the point where our thoughts manifest instantly as our reality and our world becomes consistent with our desires. ~ Manual For Living: CONNECTION, Pg 186
6 Days until Connection – We dream of a passion so deep…

6 Days until Connection – We dream of a passion so deep…

We must have faith and continue to make the changes required to evolve into the beings we are meant to be. ~ Manual For Living: CONNECTION, Pg 236
7 Days Until: Manual For Living: CONNECTION – Who You Are is Always RIGHT NOW

7 Days Until: Manual For Living: CONNECTION – Who You Are is Always RIGHT NOW

We are only as loving as we are in this moment. We are only as forgiving as we are in this moment. We are only as respectful as we are in this moment. Our moments can fall apart and temporarily degrade into our weakness, but it is who we are in this particular moment that is the truth of who we are. At any moment, we are the perfect and direct manifestation of our being. "Decide carefully, for in this moment you are the person you choose to be." ~ Manual For Living: CONNECTION, Pg 158
11 Days Until: Manual For Living: CONNECTION – The Greatest Lessons of Life

11 Days Until: Manual For Living: CONNECTION – The Greatest Lessons of Life

“We expose our vulnerability and ‘nakedness’ as we share who we really are with each other, and through that sharing, we grow and evolve individually and collectively.” – Manual For Living: CONNECTION, Pg 186
Manual For Living: CONNECTION  …  Quote for 9/11

Manual For Living: CONNECTION … Quote for 9/11

Today is a great day for a meaningful excerpt, as we ask to remember 9/11, ten years later: Pg 18. "The memory of a wound lives on forever. It is possible to heal and ignore but impossible to forget, for the soul maintains perfect memory of all things." Pre-order your copy at http://bit.ly/o2iUvE
9/11 – Making the CONNECTION Ten Years Later

9/11 – Making the CONNECTION Ten Years Later

Ten years later. It's hard to miss the reality that we're still processing that day. Today's quote from Manual For Living: CONNECTION is from Page 19. "We may continually recreate the present moment anew, but we are always simultaneously in the shadow of the past and in the presence of the future."
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"A direction in life is all some people need...a two-time cancer survivor’s plea to his readers to live their life to the fullest using the advice within. Stating the power of family, love, peace, changing one’s life for the better and being prepared for death, he has much to help readers fully embrace life. “Manual for Living” is a read that should be fully embraced by those who have lost their way." - Midwest Book Review

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, December 3

"Money has the potential to destroy lives, incite war, and distract us from what is most important in life." - Chernoff - REALITY