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Beyond New Years Resolutions and Upcoming Events

Beyond New Years Resolutions and Upcoming Events

UPCOMING EVENTS: Las Vegas, NEVADA – This Weekend! Book Lecture, Reading and Signing – January 22nd, in Las Vegas, Nevada at 2:00pm at the Psychic Eye Bookshop, touted as the largest and most comprehensive New & Old Age bookseller… read more
Happy Thanksgiving and Our Attitude of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving and Our Attitude of Gratitude

What is it about feeling and expressing gratitude that can change our entire demeanor? No matter how bad we may feel in any given moment…by finding and authentically sharing our gratitude, we instantly feel a shift from inside of ourselves.… read more
What Kind of Person Are You – Complacent or Empowered?

What Kind of Person Are You – Complacent or Empowered?

In life, it is natural for us to be faced with emotional hardship, physical pain, mental anguish, or even spiritual apathy. Yet in the face of these challenges and the associated fear, there are those of us who cower –… read more
Alcohol Abuse and Good Karma – Together?

Alcohol Abuse and Good Karma – Together?

Authorities reported yesterday that a man (an extremely lucky man) fell 500 feet in his 1990 Toyota Hatchback and SURVIVED. Lest we forget, he was reportedly DRUNK at the time. Yes, he fell the equivalent of 50 stories, and… read more
Lobbyists and Lawyers, Barnacles and Leeches, Selfishness and Corporatism

Lobbyists and Lawyers, Barnacles and Leeches, Selfishness and Corporatism

It makes no difference whether you are Republican or Democrat, Libertarian or Independent. We have big problems in this country, and yet again it appears that nobody is willing to step up and get our problems resolved. Blame it on… read more
Pursuit of Perfection, Performance Excellence, Living Your Dreams

Pursuit of Perfection, Performance Excellence, Living Your Dreams

The ultimate display of beauty, the pursuit of perfection, perseverance, and dedication is here – the winter Olympics. Regardless of whether you believe they represent a tremendous waste of money, are won by the wealthiest countries who can afford to… read more
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"I bought this book as I left a job without a plan, trusting that if you jump off the cliff you’ll land on your feet because the universe loves you. Manual For Living was released just as I was making my decision to jump and felt like a sign so I bought it. I was glad I did. This book accomplishes what it sets out to do. I highly recommend this one." - Brendan Roberts

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, February 23

"We have the right to be happy and deserve to be—but we must choose it and we must earn it." - Chernoff - REALITY